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Maximizing Procurement Efficiency through Purchase Requisitions Load Building


Prasanna Kumar Reddy Gurijala
Prasanna Kumar Reddy Gurijala
Sohit Reddy
Sohit Reddy

Published On: May, 2024

Article Type: Original Article

Journal: International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology(IJCTT)

Issue: 5 | Volume: 72 | Page No: 141–150


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In the distributor business, optimizing procurement processes and reducing freight expenses are crucial, all while satisfying the requirements of our esteemed customers. However, the ever-changing landscape of customer demands poses challenges in accurately predicting inventory needs. This article examines implementing a purchasing requisition load-building approach that enables buyers to consolidate and organize purchase requisitions effectively while adhering to the vendor's minimum buying rules. By employing load-building techniques, transportation costs are minimized by efficiently utilizing transportation resources and leveraging the opportunity to secure favorable purchase prices, such as by ordering complete truckloads.

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