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Mass spectra of Ξcc, Ξbc, Ωcc, and Ωbc baryons in Regge phenomenology


Dr. Ajay
Dr. Ajay
Juhi Oudichhya
Juhi Oudichhya

Published On: March, 2022

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Physica Scripta

DOI: 10.1088/1402-4896/ac5de7

Issue: 5 | Volume: 97 | Page No: 1-16


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In this article, we study the mass spectra of baryons containing two heavy quarks; charm-charm (cc) and bottom-charm (bc) with a light quark (u, d, s) within the framework of Regge phenomenology. With the assumption of linear Regge trajectories we have derived the relations between slope ratios, intercepts, and baryon masses. Using these relations, the ground state masses of Ξcc, Ξbc, Ωcc, and Ωbc baryons are obtained. The values of Regge slopes and Regge intercepts are extracted for these baryons to estimate the excited state masses in both the (J, M2) and (n, M2) planes. Our obtained results are compared with the experimental observations where available and other theoretical predictions, which could be a valuable addition to the interpretations of experimentally unknown heavy baryon spectra.


Dr. Ajay
Dr. Ajay
Juhi Oudichhya
Juhi Oudichhya

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