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Paper Title

Lutzomyia whitmani (Diptera: Psychodidae) as vector of Leishmania (V.) braziliensis in Paraná state, southern Brazil


Ashok Pandey
Ashok Pandey
V. Thomaz Soccol
V. Thomaz Soccol

Article Type

Research Article

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 94 | Issue : 6 | Page No : 623-631

Published On

September, 2000



The phlebotomine sandflies in the northern areas of the state of Paraná, Brazil, particularly those in the ‘16a’ health region, were investigated over a 3-year period. Using CDC light traps (with and without hamster bait) and Shannon traps (with lights and horse or human bait), 16 species were collected from seven municipal districts which were known foci for cutaneous leishmaniasis: Arapongas; Apucarana; Cambira; Marumbi; Faxinal; Florestópolis; and Sabáudia. Although the frequency at which each species was collected varied with the collection site, Lutzomyia whitmani predominated (62.0% of all the sandflies collected), followed by Lu. fischeri (13.3%), Lu. pessoai (10.8%), Lu. migonei (8.2%) and Lu. intermedia (2.8%). Lutzomyia monticola, Lu. shanonni, Lu. firmatoi, Lu. lanei, Lu. alphabetica, Lu. misionensis, Lu. correalimai, Lu. cortellezzii, Lu. longipenis, Brumplomyia brumpti and B. nitzulescui together represented the remaining 3.0% of the collected sandflies.

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