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Leveraging Machine Vision for Automated Tiles Defect Detection in Ceramic Industries


Dr. Ashwin
Dr. Ashwin

Published On: May, 2021

Article Type: Book review

Journal: Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security

Volume: 2 | Page No: 725–733


Machine vision (MV) is the technology and technique that is used to provide imaging-based automatic inspection and analysis of manufacturing products and provide a solution to categorize a quality of product during production process in various industries. This paper discusses the implementation of machine vision technology on the identification of various defects in ceramic tiles at the final stage of the production process. This defect detection process inspects the defects in terms of measurement of tiles, defects on border areas of tiles and skew in the size. All these defect criteria are analyzed and tiles can be categorized in form of its quality, during production line. All these attributes of the ceramic tiles are scanned using Basler series machine vision camera and processed using a program module designed in LabView automation tool. The proposed Machine Vision-Based Tiles Defect Detection (MVBTDD) model is able to detect three major categories of defects into the tiles, which reveals the live status on production line. The implemented model serves as an aid to efficient automated defect detection to major ceramic tiles industries at a low cost.


Dr. Ashwin
Dr. Ashwin