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Paper Title

Impact of Training on Da Afghanistan Bank Employee’s performance


  • DAB employee performance
  • central bank Da Afghanistan bank
  • Development program

Article Type

Research Article

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 10 | Issue : 7 | Page No : a290 - a302

Published On

July, 2023



This study investigates how employees of Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB), Afghanistan's central bank, are affected by training. 100 participants, both male, and female, with different levels of education—including Ph.D. s, Master, and bachelor’s degrees— answered the study's questionnaire in the central office. The abilities and caliber of an organization's human capital play a significant role in its achievement in today's competitive world. Better employee performance results from a training program that is properly implemented. Every company should work to improve the caliber of its workforce because it directly affects the growth and development of the company. What role does an organization's human capital play in achieving success in the highly competitive world of today? Better employee performance results from a training program that is properly implemented. Every organization should work to improve the caliber of its workforce because this has a direct bearing on the advancement and enhancement of the organization.

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