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Paper Title

Images of Iraqian Women in The Day I became a woman by Marzieh Meshkini

Article Type

Research Article


Volume : 2 | Issue : Special Issue 19 | Page No : 44-46

Published On

April, 2018



Feminist writings were of crucial interest to the Post-colonial discourse for two major reasons. First, both patriarchy and imperialism could be seen to exert different forms of domination over those subordinate to them. Because of this, it was important for the experiences of women under the patriarchal influence to come out to the forefront and expose the undue cruelty be held on them by men. It was necessary for the women to oppose this male dominance over them. We observe that women continued to define the borders of the community, class and race. They tried to exert feminism through their works. However, the Feminist writers tried to stamp their authority in a male dominated environment as best as it is possible to them. It was a very difficult path, as the women had to break through years of male dominance, taboos and beliefs that had heavily impregnated the society. In addition, critics argued that colonialism operated very differently for women and for men. This was so because women were subjected to both general discrimination as colonial subjects and specific discrimination as women addressed as ‘double colonization. This paper focuses on the most imporatnt issue faced by Iraqian Women. Dirrected by a woman, it rightly voices the pathetic condition of women in the Middle East

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