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Guardians of the East: Understanding Tawang's Role in India's Defense and Diplomacy

Published On: June, 2024

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: International Journal of Novel Research and Development

Issue: 6 | Volume: 9 | Page No: 209 - 220


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This research article delves into the multifaceted significance of Tawang, a strategically vital region in Arunachal Pradesh, India. Positioned along the contentious India – China border, Tawang serves as a crucial linchpin in India’s defense architecture and diplomatic strategy. The study explores three primary dimensions: geopolitical, cultural, and economic. Geopolitically, Tawang's strategic military installations and its proximity to the Line of Actual Control (LAC) underscore its importance in national security, particularly in the context of escalating tensions with China. Culturally, Tawang is home to the revered Tawang Monastery, a center of Buddhist learning and pilgrimage that enhances its cultural and religious prominence. Economically, the region holds potential for growth through tourism and infrastructural development, offering avenues for boosting local livelihoods and regional stability. Through a comprehensive analysis that includes historical research and strategic assessments, this article aims to elucidate Tawang’s integral role in afeguarding India's eastern frontiers and fostering diplomatic engagements. The findings underscore the necessity for balanced policy approaches that integrate defense imperatives with cultural preservation and economic development, ensuring that Tawang remains a bastion of security, heritage, and progress.

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