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Paper Title

Green synthesis and properties of arginine derived complexes for assorted drug delivery systems: A review


Mehul Patel
Mehul Patel
Dinal Patel
Dinal Patel

Article Type

Research Article

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 21 | Page No : 100441

Published On

June, 2021



In the current scenario, green technologies in chemistry and various fields create attention to every researcher. The green synthesis provides environmentally and eco-friendly raw materials and intermediate products, making a simple process without using harmful and toxic reactants. Amino acids are one of the reactants from which the intermediates or excipients can be made using the straightforward methodology, and these are utilized in drug delivery via a different route of Administration. By employing such medication at a cellular level, we can eliminate the adverse events and toxicity of chemically synthesized excipients and achieve a better therapeutic effect. In the present paper, Arginine was reviewed as the starting material from which the greener excipients can be synthesized, and these materials were employed for drug delivery systems. However, some of the synthetic processes employed chemicals, and also usage of the synthesized green material in the formulation of different dosage forms may require proper guidelines, but still, the research is going on for the application of green excipients for therapeutic purposes. Moreover, Arginine, as such, is an amino acid. It can also be utilized in different formulations as an active ingredient, which was also emphasized in the review paper from past research and patents. This review aims to be comprehensive and have general interest for chemists as it involves the various routes by which excipients were synthesized and the study, including the properties of different excipients and their application.

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