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Geotechnical Properties of Soil Stabilized with Wollastonite

Published On: March, 2016

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology

DOI: 10.17577/IJERTV5IS031046

Issue: 3 | Volume: 5 | Page No: 703-706


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In general, the engineering performance of soil is influenced by its properties. In turn, the type of foundation suitable for the imposed load is decided based on the properties of soil. During predestined situation, certain site cannot be ignored and it requires some techniques to modify the properties of soil to make it suitable for the required load carrying behaviour. There are many chemical or mechanical methods exist for the treatment of available mass of soil to improve or maintain its engineering properties. The most obvious purpose of this one is strength improvement. The most common admixture materials available for stabilisation includes Lime, fly ash, Stone Dust, Saw Dust, Groundnut Shell Ash, Disposed Solid Waste, Chemical Admixtures and cement. In this research, the properties of a red soil and its reaction with a additive material have been found out by conducting various tests like Standard Proctor compaction test, California Bearing Ratio test, etc. The additive materials for enhancing the properties of soil been decided as Wollastonite, as the research under this heading is less in number. Wollastonite is a Calcium silicate mineral (CaSiO3) that may contain small traces of Iron, Magnesium, and Manganese substituting for Calcium which is available in many location below the ground surface and find its applications in many engineering industries, etc. It is a product of impure limestone when subjected to high temperature. It has the property of low moisture and oil absorption with low volatile content. It is primarily used in ceramics and tile factories, which also has the chemical properties which is very similar to cement. Because of this similarity wollastonite can be used to enhance the properties of the soil. Initially the test results for red soil without Wollastonite had been obtained. Later the test results for the soil added with Wollastonite was obtained and the comparison had been done. The results shows that Wollastonite, can be effectively utilised for the improving the strength characteristics of soil.


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