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Fuzzy based Fault Tolerant Routing Protocol for Node Reliability in MANET

Published On: July, 2021

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology

Issue: 1 | Volume: 25 | Page No: 7223-7232


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Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is one of the popular and challenging networks which consist of random mobile nodes with low mobility. Achieving fault tolerance and more reliability are the biggest tasks in the network. In existing works, it was failed to balance link tolerance and node reliability during route maintenance process. In this research, Fuzzy based Fault Tolerant Routing Protocol (FFTRP) is proposed to produce more tolerability and high network lifetime. In first module, network model is designed to support mobility function and scalability. In second module, a multicast routing is established based on path reliability. In third phase, fault tolerant calculation is done and integrated with multicast routing. The proposed work is simulated using network simulation tool in terms of node reliability rate, node stability ratio, end to end delay and control overhead.


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