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Future Oriented Smart Village Model Using Advance IoT Sensors Based Technology.

Published On: January, 2022

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: IOT with Smart Systems

DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-3945-6_20

Volume: 251 | Page No: 191–202


The thought of Web of Things (WoT) is the rise of innovation. The method of reasoning of great working of web, versatile, data, and interactions innovation. It gives an empowers different gadgets in a system to impart and associated with one another to play out their work in a pleasing manner. The rising populace of the world makes it major to energize the urban areas and towns to work in a sharp manner. Hence, the idea of Canny urban areas appeared. It gives a far-reaching see concerning change inside the personal satisfaction in towns. It is also described the usage of different sensors for different purposes with its applications.
