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Formulation & Evaluation of Matrix Type Transdermal Patches Based on Composite Polymers

Published On: January, 2012

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Issue: 1 | Volume: 4 | Page No: 53-58


There are two major transdermal therapeutic systems existing. Those are monolithic & reservoir type transdermal therapeutics systems. The present work aimed to develop a matrix-dispersion- type transdermal drug delivery system of Propranolol HCl using composite polymer. Oral administration of Propranolol has the disadvantage of low bioavailability due to an extensive and highly variable hepatic first-pass metabolism. Matrix type TDDS of propranolol HCl was formulated using polymer blend of Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (Methocel K4M) and Ethyl Cellulose (Ethocel STD 20) with a plasticizer, dibutyl phthalate. Patches of all batches had desired transdermal physicochemical properties. In vitro diffusion studies were performed through rat abdominal skin using a modified Franz diffusion cell. All prepared formulation shows percent drug permeation in the range of 59.66 to 99.83. The various permeation parameters such as diffusion rate, flux and permeability coefficients were determined for all formulation. Result of flux indicated that drug release was inversely proportional to polymer concentration. Diffusion rate of all formulation shows that diffusion rate was decreased with decrease in HPMC concentration. Both the independent variable selected had significant effect on drug permeation through rat skin (p < 0.05).
