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Paper Title

Extended vertical lists for temporal pattern mining from multivariate time series

Article Type

Research Article

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 36 | Issue : 5 | Page No : e12448

Published On

September, 2019



In this paper, the problem of mining complex temporal patterns in the context of multivariate time series is considered. A new method called the Fast Temporal Pattern Mining with Extended Vertical Lists is introduced. The method is based on an extension of the level-wise property, which requires a more complex pattern to start at positions within a record where all of the subpatterns of the pattern start. The approach is built around a novel data structure called the Extended Vertical List that tracks positions of the first state of the pattern inside records and links them to appropriate positions of a specific subpattern of the pattern called the prefix. Extensive computational results indicate that the new method performs significantly faster than the previous version of the algorithm for Temporal Pattern Mining; however, the increase in speed comes at the expense of increased memory usage.

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