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Paper Title

Experiments and Simulations of Droplet Burning of Isobutanol Mixed with a Tier II Gasoline Certification Fuel and its Surrogate, Paper Number: SHTC2023-115267

Article Type

Research Article

Published On

April, 2024



This study presents an experimental and numerical results of combustion dynamics of a Tier II certification fuel/iso-butanol mixtures and its surrogate(S5)/iso-butanol mixtures. The experiments were carried out where gas transport was determined entirely by fuel evaporation to promote spherical symmetry during the burning process. The droplet initial diameters were in the range 0.55 mm to 0.62 mm. The combustion characteristics such as droplet diameters, flame standoff ratios and soot shell standoff ratios of indolene/iso-butanol mixtures are compared with S5/iso-butanol mixtures and the implications of iso-butanol addition to indolene and S5 on combustion are discussed. The presence of iso-butanol is experimentally found to reduce the formation of soot as the iso-butanol concentration was increased and the iso-butanol addition insignificantly influence the burning rate. Simulations were carried out with the detailed kinetic chemistry (324 species and 17608 reactions) from POLIMI. The detailed numerical model included unsteady gas and liquid transport, soot chemistry and radiative transport. The impact of iso-butanol on the burning rate, flame structure and soot formation are presented. Droplet burn rates were well predicted while flame diameters showed more variability depending on how the flame was defined in the numerical simulation (peak gas temperature and OH concentration). Simulations also show the influence of iso-butanol concentration on flame temperature, greenhouse gas emissions and soot formations.

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