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Paper Title

Experimental Investigation of a Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition Engine Fuelled with Liquified Petroleum Gas


  • LTCE
  • RCCI
  • Liquified Petroleum Gas
  • Emission
  • Smoke Opacity

Article Type

Research Article


Journal:Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering


Volume : 11 | Issue : 2 | Page No : 25–35

Published On

January, 1970



The primary source of power in many situations, including backup power, emergencies, isolated locations, construction, etc., is an internal combustion engine. These have higher engine emissions, which is a major drawback. Low temperature combustion engines may prove to be the best option in this case, because they not only produce power with high efficiency but also produce fewer engine emissions. It was investigated how a reactivity-controlled compression ignition engine that runs on liquid petroleum gas performs and produces emissions. The pilot fuel i.e., diesel was directly injected during the compression stroke into the engine cylinder, whereas the main fuel, liquified petroleum gas, was injected during suction stroke into the inlet port via mechanical injection system. At the engine's inlet port, an electronic port injector was mounted. The engine's experimental testing was conducted at a fixed 1500 rotation per minute controlled with the help of governor. The maximum rated power output of the engine was 3.7 kW. The ratio of premixed energy is taken at 95%. Experiments were first carried out on a normal diesel combustion engine before being switched to the reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) engine. The experimental results demonstrate the brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) and brake power (BP) is reduced up to 83.14% and by 34.65% respectively. The rise in cooling water temperature is reduced by 15.38% and 5.88% at 0% and 100% loading conditions respectively. The exhaust gas temperature is reduced by up to 29.77%. Brake thermal efficiency increased by 19.17%. Smoke opacity is reduced by 81.29% and 69.81% at 0% and 100% loading condition respectively, as compared to the normal diesel combustion engine. According to the findings, a reactivity controlled compression engine may operate efficiently using liquified petroleum gas that contains approximately 95% premixed energy. As a result, there will be less demand for diesel fuel and engine emissions.

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