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Experimental and numerical studies on buckling of laminated composite skew plates with circular holes under uniaxial compression


C. V.
C. V.

Published On: January, 2016

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures

DOI: 10.1080/15376494.2016.1142023

Issue: 4 | Volume: 24 | Page No: 304-317


This article deals with experimental and finite element studies on the buckling of isotropic and laminated composite skew plates with circular holes subjected to uniaxial compression. The influence of skew angle, fiber orientation angle, laminate stacking sequence, and aspect ratio on critical buckling load are evaluated using the experimental method (using Methods I through V) and finite element method using MSC/NASTRAN. Method I yields the highest experimental value and Method IV the lowest experimental value for critical buckling load in the case of isotropic skew plates with circular holes. For all laminate stacking sequences considered, Method V yields the highest experimental value for critical buckling load for skew angle = 0° and Method IV yields the highest experimental value for critical buckling load for skew angles = 15° and 30°. For all laminate stacking sequences and skew angles considered, Method II yields the lowest experimental value for critical buckling load. The maximum discrepancy between the experimental values given by Method IV and the finite element solution is about 10% in the case of isotropic skew plates. The maximum discrepancy between the experimental values given by Method II and the finite element solution is about 21% in the case of laminated composite skew plates considered. The percentage of discrepancy between the numerical or finite element solution and experimental value increases as the skew angle increases. The critical buckling load decreases as the aspect ratio increases.


C. V.
C. V.