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Exemplifying the next generation of antibiotic susceptibility intensifiers of phytochemicals by LasR-mediated quorum sensing inhibition


Meenu Saraf
Meenu Saraf
Dweipayan Goswami
Dweipayan Goswami

Published On: January, 1970

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Scientific Reports

DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-01845-8

Issue: 1 | Volume: 11 | Page No: 1-23


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There persists a constant threat from multidrug resistance being acquired by all human pathogens that challenges the well-being of humans. This phenomenon is predominantly led by Pseudomonas aeruginosa which is already resistant to the current generations of antibiotic by altering its metabolic pathways to survive. Specifically for this microbe the phenomenon of quorum sensing (QS) plays a crucial role in acquiring virulence and pathogenicity. QS is simply the cross talk between the bacterial community driven by signals that bind to receptors, enabling the entire bacterial microcosm to function as a single unit which has led to control P. aeruginosa cumbersome even in presence of antibiotics. Inhibition of QS can, therefore, be of a significant importance to curb such virulent and pathogenic strains of P. aeruginosa. Natural compounds are well known for their antimicrobial properties, of which, information on their mode of action is scarce. There can be many antimicrobial phytochemicals that act by hindering QS-pathways. The rationale of the current study is to identify such natural compounds that can inhibit QS in P. aeruginosa driven by LasR, PhzR, and RhlR dependent pathways. To achieve this rationale, in silico studies were first performed to identify such natural compounds which were then validated by in vitro experiments. Gingerol and Curcumin were identified as QS-antagonists (QSA) which could further suppress the production of biofilm, EPS, pyocyanin, and rhamnolipid along with improving the susceptibility to antibiotics.


Meenu Saraf
Meenu Saraf
Dweipayan Goswami
Dweipayan Goswami

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