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Evalution Of Insecticidal Activity Of Cassia Tora L.( Leaves) Tablet Against Tribolium Castaneum Context With Preservation Of Brown Rice


Dr Rashmi
Dr Rashmi
Rekha Parmar
Rekha Parmar

Published On: March, 2023

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: European Chemical Bulletin

DOI: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si12.036

Issue: Special Issue 12 | Volume: 12 | Page No: 458– 469


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Evalute insecticidal activities of dried Cassia tora L. leaves against Red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum ) Pests in comparison with different concentration in form of tablet and a conventional grain storage insecticide. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of herbal tablets (1 g each) against red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum in brown rice. Herbal tablets with different concentration i.e., 5gm,10gm and15gm were kept and evaluated along with Parad tablets and compared with untreated control. Observations on progeny buildup i.e., number of adults emerged at 40, 80 and 120 days after release of insects were taken and total number was worked out. Finally, the % weight loss and number of dead insects was also calculated. The number of adult insects emerged during 120 days of storage from Prada tablet treatment was very negligible and recorded only 1.33 adults, while the15gm of Cassia tora tablet treatment recorded 15 adults and the untreated control recorded 140.33adults. Consequently, there was 0.11gm weight loss of grain in Parad tablet treatment while in the other treatments the weight loss varied between 1.96gm in untreated and 0.18gm in the treatment of 15gm of Cassia tora tablet. At the doses tested the herbal tablets suppress the progeny buildup of red flour beetle. All concentration of Cassia tora tablet evaluated here were seen to have significant insecticidal properties and no adverse effects . Therefore, be used as cost effective and environmentally friendly products for controlling red flour beetles pests during storage of brown rice trial in this study.


Dr Rashmi
Dr Rashmi
Rekha Parmar
Rekha Parmar

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