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Evaluation of Current Developments in Battery Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Electric Traction Motors

Published On: May, 2024

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research

Issue: 5 | Volume: 11 | Page No: i453-i458


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An overview of current design trends for electric traction motors in electric vehicles—primarily battery electric and fully hybrid vehicles—is provided in this study. The main automakers from the past ten years—Jaguar, Tesla, Toyota, BMW, Nissan, General Motors, and Audi—are the subject of this study's permanent magnet traction motor analysis. This study's primary focus is on electromagnetic motor design, but it also covers the motor's mechanical characteristics and current developments in magnetic materials. In addition, the performance metrics including power density, motor speed, and field weakening are assessed and contrasted. Last but not least, performance and design trends for traction motors are also discussed. The objective is to showcase the most recent advancements.


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