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Environmental Risk, Infections, Fish Protein Biomarkers in Fish Food Safety: A Prospective Study Environment temperature stress causes physiological stress and infections in fish muscle

Published On: September, 2019

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences

DOI: 10.9790/0853-1809084562

Issue: 9 | Volume: 18 | Page No: 45-62


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 A hypothesis was proposed that bacterial and fungal diseases, environmental climate risks cause physiological stress that may decrease table fish protein quality. The study puts forth the following evidences and our findings in support.  Environment temperature, water salinity factors were identified that likely induced physiological stress in fishes to make them vulnerable to infectious diseases.  Bacterial infectious and fungal diseases harboring in fishes caused poor protein quality of edible fish.  Edible carp, Catla catla and H.fossilis fish revealed altered amino acid constituents of fish proteins.  Histological, histopathological and electron microscopic data of C.catla and H.fossilis supported the bacterial and fungal infection induced tissue changes and proteins in muscle, liver and serum.  Poor fish protein quality of flesh may affect human health among fish eaters with possible implications of huge market loss and considerable economic and health concern to fisherman families. Key Words: fish proteins, Electron Microscopy of fish, Histology and histopathology of fish muscle


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