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Paper Title


Article Type

Original Article

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 19 | Issue : 1533-9211 | Page No : 780

Published On

March, 2024



Entrepreneurship has been adopted globally as a means of boosting the economy of countries. In present scenario, when we are saying that we are the youngest country in terms of age of workforce. For example, 62% population are within working age group of 15 to 59 years and 51% is less 25years, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education have become need of time and specially when government has started multiple movements- skill India, make in India, Start Up India and Atam Nirbhar Bharat. According to the wide definition of entrepreneurship, it is about personal development, creativity, self-reliance, initiative taking, action orientation i.e., becoming entrepreneurial. The study is made to know the opinion of commerce teachers under university of Mysore on entrepreneurship education to the pupils. Structured questionnaire has been used to collect the data from the respondents. Sample size was 72 and used google form to collect the data. Statistical tools like descriptive statistics for demographic data analysis and one sample t test is used to test the hypotheses. The results of the study revealed that entrepreneurship education is relevant and essential to make students future entrepreneurs and self-dependent. Finally, it is evident that entrepreneurship education will create job, make self-employed, contribute economic development, create wealth, meet business partners, use creativity, find opportunities and rule the world economy.

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