The present study was conducted for the evaluation of forensic insect fauna on Canis domesticus carcasses at Dir Lower Pakistan. Two carcasses of C. domesticus were evaluated for this purpose in two study periods (28 May to 09 June 2017) and (31 July to 14 August 2017). In first half of the study, 7 species belonging to 5 families and 3 orders were identified including Blow flies (Chrysomya rufifacies and C. megacephala), Flesh fly (Parasarcophaga ruficornis), House fly (Musca domestica), Dune robber fly (Philonicus albiceps), Jumper ant (Myrmecia pilosula) and Trox species. In the second half of the study, 8 species belonging to 7 families and 3 orders were identified. New species in the 2nd study period that were not found in the first half of the study included Dog fly (Hippobosca longipennis), Cheese skipper (Piophila casei) and Bumble bee (Bombus lapidarius). Decomposition time of the carcasses was the two study periods 13 and 15 days respectively. A taxonomic key was devised for the identified species. Duration of the individual decomposition stages of the two carcasses was correlated with the ambient environmental conditions. This was a preliminary study on forensic insect fauna in the study area and will provide a baseline for future studies in the field of forensic entomology.
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