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Enhancement of voltage stability in an Indian practical utility system under contingency condition using FACTS devices

Published On: December, 2014

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences

Issue: 21 | Volume: 8 | Page No: 52-58


Background: Recently, Power Systems of India undergoes many issues among which voltage instability and voltage collapse are considered to be the major one. The main cause for these issues is the reactive power demand. In India, the remedy for prevention of voltage collapse and improvement of system voltage stability is provided by the implementation of shunt capacitor banks. In this paper, the voltage stability of Indian practical 62-bus utility system is analyzed using static methods of voltage stability analysis Objective: The purpose of this analysis is to prevent voltage collapse & enhance the voltage stability by providing reactive power compensation using FACTS device. Results: The severity ranking is made based on the participation factor of each bus and weak bus of the system is identified using MATLAB (PSAT). Conclusion: The weakest bus of the system is provided with FACTS device (STATCOM) which is the effective place for the location of such device. The result shows that, PV curves have been improved after providing STATCOM at the weakest bus. Keywords: 62-bus utility system MATLAB (PSAT)Severity ranking FACTS device
