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Energy-Efficient and Optimized Reverse Path Based Routing Mechanism for MANET

Published On: May, 2015

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: International Journal of Engineering Development and Research

Issue: 2 | Volume: 3 | Page No: 1330-1336


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- In MANETs, there is no central infrastructure to observe or distribute the assets used by the mobile nodes. Most of the on demand routing protocol, including AODV use single route reply along the reverse path. The extended AODV called Reverse Ad Hoc On Demand Vector (R-AODV) protocol uses a reverse route discovery mechanism and performs well when link breakage is frequent, which reduces overhead of routing and obtains better performance than the AODV and other protocols have by sending multiple reverse-RREQ. Energy consumption happens due to multiple ReverseRREQ. We have modified Reverse AODV by considering the main aspects, e.g. energy consumption and route stability/reliability. Simulation results is been carried out in Network Simulator 2 (NS2). Because of Updation in ReverseAODV a new route with better life-time is being selected among available routes and which is creating good impact on targeted factors. So in high mobility environment, as compare to AODV and RAODV, the Proposed algorithm shows better results.


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