Apart from providing numerous benefits such as On-demand self-service, Broad network access, Resource pooling, Rapid elasticity, Measured service, Scalability, Availability, Secure access etc. through virtualization, Cloud computing introduces a number of new security risks. Virtualization means multiple VM machine on single physical machine. In Cloud computing allocation of virtual machine is an issue that has been addressed in many computing area such as operating systems, grid computing, and datacenter management. The huge amount of data on Cloud naturally becomes targets for attackers. We aim to address one of such attacks, co-residence or co-location attack, where malicious users may co-locate their infected virtual machines (VMs) with the normal working VMs on the same server. Using this, attackers may sneak into user’s confidential data using side channel attack. In our research, we intend to achieve efficient allocation of virtual machine in a secure way for Cloud environment. In connection to this, we try to minimize the probability of VM co-location which aim to results into improvement of coverage rate.
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