Background: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is a common complication and quality-of-life damaging factor in diabetic patients and May contributes to diminished exercise tolerance. Therefore autonomic testing offers a useful tool to identify patients with potential poor exercise performance. So studying of effect of resistance training will give a precise protocol for prevention of DPN in asymptomatic patients. Aim and objectives: to study the effectiveness of resistance training on nerve conduction study, glycemic control and exercise tolerance. Methodology: 18 type 2 Diabetic aged 35-60 were selected. NCV for tibial nerve, glucometer reading and 6MWT was done pre and post intervention program of 4 weeks resistance training. Results: post intervention glucometer reading show that there significant variation (p=0.001), 6MWT show that there is significant variation (p=0.001) and NCV of tibial nerve show there is quite significant variation (p=0.0306). Conclusion: with supervised resistance training there is significant improvement noted in exercise tolerance, glucose control and Nerve conduction velocity of tibial nerve.
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