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Paper Title

Effect of Cyber Crime on Economical Development

Article Type

Research Article


Volume : 5 | Issue : 10 | Page No : 261-264

Published On

January, 2018



Internet has become household commodity in India and almost every information and data is running online. Due to this cyber crime has been rapidly increasing its footfall on Indian economy. There are various kind of cyber crimes, creating impact and threat to the economy of a nation and even disturbing peace and the security. This research paper emphasis on how cyber crime is having hazardous effect on Indian economy as it move towards the new investment, digitalization and demonetization. It is increasing the risk factor. Therefore there is need for a holistic approach to combat these crimes and try to find remedies for it. So that we can drag our Indian economy towards developing economy, not the underdeveloped economy and its effects could be more profound. And we can witness the new horizon of cyber crime free Indian economy.

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