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Paper Title

Economic cost analysis of LED over HPS flood lights for an efficient exterior lighting design using solar PV


Nibedita Das
Nibedita Das
Nitai Pal
Nitai Pal
Sadhu K
Sadhu K

Article Type

Research Article

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 89 | Page No : 380-392

Published On

July, 2015



The demography and demand for exterior/outdoor lighting surrounding area have renewed a sense of expectation and exploration regarding the glory of India in exterior lighting design utilizing solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. The illumination topology has encouraged the civic community to develop an alternative for an attractive and decorative exterior area, for example, shopping precincts, household lighting, parking slots, stadiums and industrial appliances. In addition to stipulated energy expenditure and economy tariff vision, energy conservation and a building efficiency policy should be considered for PV. There is a strong need to promote renewable energy based on electricity demand and power shortage to meet the exigency source. This paper attempts to illustrate an innovative light design model frame based on building criteria to fulfil consumer and energy demands, to economize cost optimization, to enhance efficiency without interruption and, most importantly, to provide quality flood light for exterior/outdoor lighting design. Moreover, using the Lithonia Visual (LV) software and the HOMER software based computer analyser and photometric tools, an attempt will be made to build a healthy lighting blueprint with assorted appliances.

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