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Paper Title

E-Magazine Portal For Colleges


Article Type

Research Article


Volume : 6 | Issue : 9 | Page No : 283-287

Published On

September, 2019



E Magazine is mainly used to proper maintenance for student’s personal records. It serves as a wonderful way to express ones mindset and thinking process. Students can assemble all the information related to their future career and can also read Staff Details or college function details. The administrators maintain their records while their studying times and also after complete their academic years. Administrator only gives the permission to access the students. After that they have to do access the alumni portal development. Through the website, the manual process, defects and time consumption can be reduced. That’s in all the area of business, computer technology are widely been implemented. Hence the inception of computers had a great role in reducing large tasks to simpler one. In this E Magazine project is used to maintain the alumni record for the particular academic information period. Here the new user must register their information. After enter this website their user details they can see their profile, chapter’s of the college, gallery of their college.

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