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E-Health Diagnosis System using IoT and Machine Learning


Parth Patel
Parth Patel

Published On: April, 2019

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering

DOI: 10.26438/ijcse/v7i4.11531162

Issue: 4 | Volume: 7 | Page No: 1153-1162


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IOT is the induced structure foundation of openness, transportation and advancement. IOT sharp contraptions can understand the work environments of remote thriving viewing and additionally crisis see structure. It has clear utilization of sharp therapeutic organizations framework. In the human organizations structure the featured techniques and systems that assistance to the masters and investigators and specialists who make stunning contraption which is the up-degree to the present improvement. Undoubtedly, even information mining strategies and ML tally expect a basic work around there. The specialists vivifying their experts work to make programming with the assistance of AI check which can help aces with taking choice concerning both gauge and diagnosing of coronary sickness. The genuine objective of this examination paper is envisioning the coronary disease of a patient using ML estimations and web of web of things.


Parth Patel
Parth Patel

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