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Paper Title

Development of Shotokan Karate, a chronology by Karate Coach Dr. Pradeep Kumar Yadav

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 11 | Issue : 3 | Page No : 271-275

Published On

August, 2024



On January 29, 1936, the first official Shotokan Dojo "Dai-Nihon Karate- do Shoto-Kan" was opened in Zoshigaya, Mejiro, Tokyo. Japanese Karate-ka contributed funds to manufacture the main building of Karate dojo, which they named Shotokan in regard of Funakoshi Sensei. Unfortunately, it was demolished by an allied forces’ air attack on April 29, 1945. Under Master Funakoshi, the first Shihans (Senior teachers) were Takeshi Shimoda (1901-1934), Master's first remarkable student, who died in 1934 at a young age and Yoshitaka Funakoshi (1906-1945) who died young in 1945. The number of individuals wishing to start practice was increasing day by day. The Katas modified to adjust to a dynamic new style. After being seen by the Japanese Ministry of Education during a Karate exhibit, Funakoshi approached it to carry his Karate to colleges in Japan for guidance. His presentation of the Karate technique was successful there and he sent forward an assortment of extraordinary students, like Takagi and Nakayama of Nippon Karate Kyokai, Yoshida of Takudai, Obata of Keio, Noguchi of Waseda, and Otsuka, the organizer of Wado-Ryu karate to different colleges and universities in some territories of Japan.

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