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Defence, Diamonds, and Drip Irrigation: The Triad of India Israel Bilateral Relations

Published On: July, 2024

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: International Journal of Humanities Social Science and Management

Issue: 4 | Volume: 4 | Page No: 122 - 132


The research paper entitled ‘Defence, Diamonds, and Drip Irrigation: The Triad of India - Israel Bilateral Relations’ explores the multifaceted bilateral relations between India and Israel, focusing on three critical areas: defence, diamonds, and drip irrigation. Over the past few decades, India and Israel have forged a robust strategic partnership characterized by substantial cooperation in defence, including joint military exercises, counter-terrorism training, and arms trade. Simultaneously, the diamond trade has emerged as a significant economic link, with both countries benefiting from the exchange of cutting-edge technology and market access. Additionally, Israel's innovative drip irrigation technology has revolutionized Indian agriculture, promoting water conservation and increasing crop yields. Through a comprehensive analysis of these sectors, this paper aims to highlight the synergistic nature of India-Israel relations and their broader implications for regional stability and economic growth.