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Crowd Analysis System for Images of CCTV Camera

Published On: January, 2020

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering

DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.E6283.018520

Issue: 5 | Volume: 8 | Page No: 1113-1118


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It is important to monitor and analyze the crowd for peaceful event organization and minimum number of persons killed or injured in a stampede, war or accident in public or religious places. Ultimately, crowd management strategies should be adopted for crowd safety. Detecting the abnormal crowd behaviour is the interesting research area. Traditionally to monitor the crowd closed circuit television is used. Video analyses are used in many application areas. This work is a paper of traditional approach and is a study of different attributes of crowd which include crowd counting and estimation of density, detection of crowd motion. It also presents the study about behaviour understanding of crowd and crowd tracking. We have also presents crowd analysis using different deep learning methods. This paper showed results of crowd analysis using convolutional neural network and different recurrent neural network training model.


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