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Paper Title

Crop Yield Prediction Using Machine Learning and Data Mining Algorithms for Modern Agriculture

Article Type

Research Article


Volume : 8 | Issue : 1 | Page No : 1-5

Published On

January, 2019



: Now –a-days the most important emerging field in the real world is agriculture Farming is the main occupation of India. About 70% of primary and secondary business is based on farming and it is also the backbone of our Indian economy. Agriculture plays an important role in our country. In farming, season cultivation of the crop is based on the soil. Another important work in agriculture is selecting soil is based on the weather condition and also when to harvest the crop for the best cultivation. The crop selection is an important task based on the weather conditions. Data mining techniques is very popular in the Area of agriculture. Data mining is the process of finding the new templates from the large data sets there are various data mining techniques are used and evaluated in agriculture for estimating the future year’s crop production. Utilization of information and communications technology enables automation of extracting significant data in an effort to obtain knowledge and trends crop is an essential key factor of agriculture. So data mining techniques are useful for new framers. In our work we can select the crop based on following parameters with the help of artificial neural network. These are temperature, rainfall, Humidity, weather condition and Area. A prerequisite of intelligent system has brought artificial neural network (ANN) to become a new technology which provides assorted solution for the complex problems in agriculture researches.

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