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Constraints and Outburst of spices farming in India


Puthuma Joy
Puthuma Joy

Published On: June, 2020

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Juni Khyat(UGC Care Group I Listed Journal)

Issue: 6 | Volume: 10 |


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Global spice industry is self-possessed for a major hike in the 21st century. Global trade in spices is probable to attain even higher levels due to the awaited developments in the global food industry. The climatic conditions in the country offer an ultimate environment for the natural progress of various spices. Types of spice crops to be grown depend upon agro climatic conditions and need of the spices.Chilli, black pepper, ginger, turmeric, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, coriander and cumin areimportant. Very wide variability in the productivity in spices is observed among various states due to diverse growing conditions prevailing in the respective regions.

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