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Concurrent analysis of ambroxol HCl and salbutamol sulphate from tablet formulation by RP-HPLC

Published On: December, 2020

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences

DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2020.13.3.0404

Issue: 03 | Volume: 13 | Page No: 197-202


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RP-HPLC method was developed for concurrent analysis of ambroxol HCl and salbutamol sulphate from tablet formulation. Analytes were separated with mobile phase consisting of mixture of methanol and water (0.1% triethylamine) in the ratio 50: 50 at a flow rate of 0.7 ml/min with Nucleosil (4.6 mm I.D x 250 mm) C18 column. The retention time of ambroxol HCl and salbutamol sulphate was found to be 3.61 and 6.20 min, respectively. The detection was carried out at 224 nm. The dynamic range for ambroxol HCl and salbutamol sulphate observed was 15-75 µg/ml and 1-5 µg/ml, respectively. The percent recovery obtained for ambroxol HCl and salbutamol sulphate were close to 100%. Obtained statistical data of results was found to satisfactorily.


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