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Published On: August, 2020

Article Type: Review Article

Issue: 4 | Volume: 5 | Page No: 235-238


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The ancient application of nanomedicine in the form of Ayurvedic Bhasma throws a light on the safer usage of present nanomedicine for a living being and the environment. The use of nanoparticulate metals in therapeutics has been a common practice in Ayurveda. All Bhasma have some common properties such as Rasayana (immunomodulation & anti-aging quality), Yogavahi (target drug delivery), Alpamatra (prescribed in minute doses), Shigravyapi (spreads quickly and fast acting) and Agnideepana (increases metabolism at cellular level and acts as catalyst). Bhasma can be employed for selective/ targeted/controlled drug delivery as they are biocompatible, nontoxic, and nonantigenic in nature. Bhasma is biologically produced nanoparticles with quick and targeted action. E.g Gold nanoparticles in Swarna Bhasma. Ayurvedic Bhasma is considered very safe and economical in comparison to contemporary metal based nanomedicines. The benefits of nanomedicines are indubitable and unstoppable, nevertheless, and safety- related studies should also be carried out rigorously and planned in order to provide guidelines for safer manufacturing practices, keeping care of ecology, and environment. Hence, Ayurvedic Bhasma may hold strong relevance in the emerging era of nanomedicine and can serve as an excellent template for the development of nanomedicine for an efficient therapeutic cure. Key words: Nanomedicine, Bhasma, Rasayana, Nontoxic.

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