A comprehensive computational fluid dynamics CFD model was developed in the present study to gain insight into the solid suspension in a stirred slurry reactor. The preliminary simulations highlighted the need for the correct modeling of the interphase drag force. A two-dimensional model problem was then developed using CFD to understand the influence of free stream turbulence on the particle drag coefficient. The proposed correlation was then incorporated in a two-fluid model (Euler−Euler) along with the standard k−ε turbulence model with mixture properties to simulate the turbulent solid−liquid flow in a stirred reactor. A multiple reference frame approach was used to simulate the impeller rotation in a fully baffled reactor. A computational model was mapped on to a commercial CFD solver FLUENT6.2 (of Fluent Inc., USA). The model predictions were compared with the published experimental data of Yamazaki et al. [Powder Technol.1986, 48, 205] and Godfrey and Zhu [AIChE Symp. Ser.1994, 299, 181]. The predicted results show reasonably good agreement with the experimental data. The computational model and results discussed in this work would be useful for extending the applications of CFD models for simulating large stirred slurry reactors.
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