Five commonly used insecticides (contact and systemic), two fungicides, one chemical and two fertilizers in forty combinations were tested at their recommended doses for its physical, chemical compatibility, phytotoxicity and bio efficacy on cotton crop at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Nandyal during Kharif, 2017-18. All the agro chemicals tested were physically and chemically compatible. In all the 40 combinations, phytotoxicity symptoms such as leaf epinasty, leaf hyponasty, necrosis and scorching were not observed. Among the combinations, Flonicamid + acephate, Flonicamid + thiamethoxam, monocrotophos + flonicamid and flonicamid + imidacloprid reduced the leafhoppers population by 69.57, 68.09, 66.38 and 65.26% after one week after the spray.
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