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Comparison of partially replaced concrete by waste glass with control concrete


Yashpal Kumar
Yashpal Kumar

Published On: January, 1970

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Materials Today: Proceedings

Volume: 68 | Page No: 1129–1134


A massive amount of glass waste is produced every year all over the world, but a small amount of this waste is being recycled. The recycling of waste glass (WG) in concrete shows great achievements in reducing the quantity of glass. According to researchers’ addition of waste glass in concrete enhances the properties of concrete, WG can be used in any form like powder, fine or coarse aggregate. But from previous studies of different researchers, it has been found that there are some ill effects of waste glass on concrete. This inconsistency of results of waste glass between researchers affects the acceptance (using) of waste glass in concrete structures. To overcome the formal problem the study clarifies the debate of using or not using the waste glass in concrete depending on the analysis of different papers. According to the results concluded from the tests that by partial replacement of cement by weight with waste glass the compressive strength, flexural strength and split tensile strength increases on adding percentage of waste glass as coarse aggregate upto 20%. Above 20% it decreases the strength and durability characteristics of the concrete. It is presumed to enhance the production of recycling waste glass in concrete production and points towards the needs in future for the sustainable development by use of WG in concrete.


Yashpal Kumar
Yashpal Kumar