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Comparative Study on Dyeing of Aloe Vera and Eucalyptus Fabric Using Pomegranate Peel as Natural Dye

Published On: April, 2023

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research

Issue: 4 | Volume: 10 | Page No: d154-d158


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This study was intended to evaluate the comparison on the color fastness of Aloe Vera and eucalyptus fabrics dyed with Pomegranate peel. Pomegranate peel is one of the best natural dyes that provides many beneficial properties. Alum was used as the mordants. The acquired samples have been subjected to different textile laboratory tests. The dye extraction procedure in the experiment was conventional. The results of Aloe Vera fabric was found better than the eucalyptus fabric and the mordanted Aloe Vera fabric shows dark color and good results on color fastness than eucalyptus fabric. Finally, the test concluded with that the Aloe Vera fabric has the excellent shades of pomegranate peel.


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