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Comparative study of C-reactive protein and complete blood count in cancer and non-cancer patients followed by antibiogram analysis of isolated bacterial pathogens


Asif Iqbal
Asif Iqbal

Published On: January, 1970

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Journal of Bacteriology & Mycology: Open access

DOI: 10.15406/jbmoa.2023.11.00334

Issue: 1 | Volume: 11 | Page No: 1–4


Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. This study focuses on the analysis of blood cell and their proteins followed by antibiotic susceptibility and ESBL detection in Cancer and nonCancer patients. In this study, a total 200 blood and urine samples were screened out for bacteria especially ESBL producing bacteria. Out of the tested samples, different bacterial pathogens were identified and among the isolates E coli were (13.33%), S. aureus (11.66%), P. aeruginosa (11.66%), salmonella (10%), bacillus spps (9.16%), Enterobacter spps (8.33%), Mycobacterium Spps (7.5%), S. Pyogene (7.5%), H. pylori (6.66%), Klebsiella spp. (5.83%), S. epidermidis (4.16 %) and Shigella was (4.16%). The ESBL producing bacteria among the isolated 120 bacterial species were only 14 bacterial isolates are ESBL producers which are E. coli (06), P. aeruginosa (04). Enterobacter spp (04), Klebsiella spp (03) and Shigella were only (01). The 100 blood samples are also analysis through CRP test in which 50 blood samples taken from cancer patients and 50 from non-cancer patients. In total 50 cancer sample CRP analysed that 21 patents have the Lowest (0.92 mg/L), 08 was (0.92-1.93 mg/L) 11 was (1.94-3.69 mg/L) and10 patients were on the Highest (>3.69 mg/L) risk. In 50 non-cancer blood sample the CRP level are 09 individual were (0.92 mg/L), 11 individual (0.92-1.93 mg/L), 25 individual (1.94-3.69 mg/L) and 03 patients were Highest (>3.69 mg/L) risk. Maximum resistivity (91%) was showed by penillion (P) and maximum sensitivity (78%) was showed by rifampicin (RD) against isolated bacterial pathogens. It is recommended that Continuous ESBL screening and supervision are necessary at hospital settings to observe and develop approaches for observing and controlling the spread of ESBL generating bacteria. Keywords: blood, cancer, bacteria, pathogens, CRP, ESBL