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Paper Title

Combinatorial algorithms for restricted inverse optimal value problems on minimum spanning tree under weighted l1 norm


Article Type

Research Article

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 451 | Page No : 116110

Published On

December, 2024



We study the restricted inverse optimal value problem on minimum spanning tree under weighted l 1 norm. In a connected edge-weighted network G (V, E, w), we are given a spanning tree T 0, a cost vector c and a value K. We aim to obtain a new weight vector w ̄ satisfying the bounded constraint such that T 0 is a minimum spanning tree under w ̄ whose weight is just K. We focus on minimizing the modification cost under weighted l 1 norm. We first convert its mathematical model into a linear programming problem (P). Then we solve its dual problem (D) by a sub-problem (D z∗) corresponding to the critical value z∗ which can be calculated by a binary search method. Impressively the sub-problem D z for z∈ R can be transformed into a minimum cost flow problem on an auxiliary network. Finally, we propose an O (| E| 2| V| 2 log| V| log (| V| c m a x)) algorithm, where c m a x is the maximum cost of the vector c.

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