Investigations were conducted with the aim of producing extracellular lipase from Candida rugosa by solid-state fermentation (SSF), using coconut oil cake (COC) as a solid substrate. To optimize production, various modifications were made to enrich the substrate by supplementing it with mineral solution, different carbon sources and several inorganic as well as organic nitrogen sources. Among them, urea (1%), peptone (3%) and maltose (5%) were found to be most suitable. Addition of olive oil (10%) encouraged lipase synthesis. The maximum lipase activity in the enriched substrate was 87.76 units per gram of dry fermented substrate [U/gds] compared to 25.81 U/gds in the raw cake at 96 h of fermentation, and growth was as high as 14.44 mg/gds of glucosamine. This was reached at 72 h in the enriched substrate. C. rugosa growth was calculated indirectly by estimating the glucosamine content in the cell wall after its hydrolysis. The enzyme yield was far better than any values reported as yet.
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