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Chaturavidh Nigrah Hetav in the Cancer Management: A Brief Review

Published On: June, 2023

Article Type: Review Article

Journal: International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry

Issue: 3 | Volume: 12 | Page No: 209-222


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Cancer is a disease of swelling which may be of inflammatory or noninflammatory in origin and is an outcome of modern civilized and a tie vicious circle or irregularities in life affecting activities headed by modern medicine system, but a confirmatory treatment is yet awaited. In Ayurveda disease cancer has more resemblance to Arbuda. Sushruta mentioned 6 types of Arbuda among Mamsa and Rakta Arbuda are malignant and is difficult to manage these as per their pathogenesis. In tumours with malignancy features Tridosha gets co-ordinated and create a state of instability between them which leads to damage of tissues and further causing some serious conditions. Treatment of cancer not only increases the financial burden for an individual, it also causes potential side effects which in a term set a vicious cycle for medical dependency; hence, there is an emerging need to hunt an efficient, reliable, safe, and economical option for the same. The article aims to assess current available Cancer management options in Ayurveda manage and classify them under roof of Chaturavidh Nigrah Hetav. Studies reviewed from including data on electronic database, Pub Med, Embase, and the Cochrane Library, Ayurvedic literature and manually collected from various resources. Ayurveda has a holistic approach to managing any disorder, instead of using targeted therapies to destroy the tumours. Results of studies showed that adopting principles of Ayurveda improves the patient's well-being, as an additional therapy or mainline treatment protocol along with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which improves the life span and enhance the quality of life an individual is leading.

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