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Paper Title


Article Type

Research Article

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 9 | Issue : 10 | Page No : 223-228

Published On

October, 2023



This research aims to address specific questions regarding the respondents profiles, training, and competencies, and propose a training program for career development. The study utilized a descriptive research method, employing questionnaires to collect data. Cluster sampling was used to select respondents based on their knowledge, skills, experience, and perception of the security profession. The study went through pre-testing to refine the questionnaire and ensure data validity. The survey provided insights into the respondents profiles, revealing that the majority were male security personnel, aged 31-35, married, and had a high school education. A significant percentage had 1-5 years of experience. Pre-Licensing Training Course (PLTC) and In-Service Enhancement Security Training Course (ISESTC) were the most attended training programs. The study also highlighted that security personnel displayed high competence in patrolling and customer service. The study concludes that there is a need for enhanced career development opportunities, especially for high school graduates and college undergraduates working in the security sector. The findings highlight the potential for improvement and professionalization of the industry. Based on the studys findings, recommendations include offering training programs for college undergraduates, providing promotions for qualified security guards with higher education and specialized training, conducting regular reviews of company policies, and implementing education and training for all levels of the organization. Future research is also suggested to explore other aspects of career development in the security sector.

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