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Paper Title

Azimuthal Magnetic Field and Leakage of Field Free Matter from Different Optical Depths of UDs: Umang Pandya1, Lokesh Bharti2, Himani Dashora, S.N.A. Jaaffrey1 (Submitted - Under Review)

Article Type

Research Article




Introducing the axial magnetic field (B), velocity ( ), and velocity gradient (dv/dx) retrieved from inversions of Stokes profiles, the role of azimuthal component of the magnetic field in the leakage of nearly field -free upcoming mass from different optical depths of PUDs and CUDs in sunspot umbra has been investigated. From the walls of the UDs columns, the coupling of an azimuthal compo nent with axial magnetic field gave rise much more leakage of the upcoming mass at the top of optical depths (log500= -2.5) than at the bottom (log500=0) of PUDs and CUDs. Moreover, the leakage of mass is found to be more enhanced in PUDs than CUDs by a f actor of 1.6 at the top (log500= -2.5) while at the bottom part it is almost the same in both. Electromagnetic displacemen t current unravelled leakage structuring of upcoming mass and is found to be typically more dynamic in PUDs than CUDs.

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