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Paper Title

Assessing the impact of industrial waste on environment and mitigation strategies: A comprehensive review


Poonam Sharma
Poonam Sharma
Mukesh Kumar Awasthi
Mukesh Kumar Awasthi
Claude-Gilles Dussap
Claude-Gilles Dussap

Article Type

Research Article

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 398 | Page No : 123019

Published On

November, 2020



The increasing demand of rising population leads to the escalation of industrial sectors such as agro-, food-, paper and pulp industries. These industries generated hazardous waste which is primarily organic in nature thus is being dumped or processed in the environment. These waste leads to increasing contamination leading to increased mortality, physical and morphological changes in the organisms/animals in contact. Although the generated waste is hazardous yet it predominantly contains macromolecules and bioactive compounds thus can be efficiently utilized for the extraction and production of value added products. This article reviews the effect of these waste streams on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Since these wastes abundantly contain proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and lignocelluloses thus recycling, reuse and valorization offers an effective strategy for their reduction while comforting the environment. The policies laid down by national and international agencies that directs these industries for reducing the generation of waste and increasing the recyclability and reuse of the generated waste is discussed and the gaps and bottlenecks for these is identified. This study essentially provides the state-of-art information on above aspects by identifying the gaps for future research directions and may contribute in policy development for mitigation strategies.

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