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Art and IVF Labs Are Using Smart Materials and Devices for Infertility Treatments

Published On: June, 2022

Article Type: Research Article


Issue: 14 | Volume: 9 | Page No: 23-31


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In terms of technology, smart materials are the most important in the twenty-first century. "Smart Materials" have a crucial role in Assisted Reproductive technology (ART). These innovative materials constitute an important part of infertility treatment. Infertility patients are opting for various type of treatments such as intrauterine insemination (IUI), in-vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), Intra morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI), Physiological Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (P-ICSI), Laser Assisted Hatching (LAH), Partial Zona Dissection (PZD), Embryo Biopsy and pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS) or Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) and other procedures. IUI and IVF is the most common procedure to treat infertility. The adoption of child is another option for infertile couple. The success rate of IVF is high than IUI. All IUI, OPU or Embryo transfer doing under ultrasound guidance. The design of IVF Lab with smart materials involves highly integrated components and requires interdisciplinary knowledge. Smart materials are capable to reducing the dust and VOCs to prevent the infection and improve culture conditions. For best fertilization we can use either conventional IVF or through direct injection of single sperm into the mature oocyte cytoplasm (ICSI). Hera cell 150i (thermos scientific) CO2 Incubator and bench top incubator are ideal for embryo culture. Micromanipulator help in fine control to the sperm injection and embryo biopsy by applying positive and negative pressure to the joysticks. This mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy and vice versa by smart materials during their functioning. Therefore, smart materials are predetermined and predesigned to severe as sensors and actuators as required. This paper discusses various types of smart equipment’s used in the ART and IVF lab to help in treating the infertile couple and achieving their desire of child.


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