Banana one of the precious source for sustaining human health. The utilize of banana peel extracts for antimicrobial properties can be of great importance in therapeutic treatments. Objective: This research point to assess the antibacterial activity of dried various banana peel extracts. Materials and Methods: Alcoholic extract of banana peel extracts was subjected to antibacterial efficacy against Gram- positive and Gram- negative bacteria by the well agar diffusion method. Results: The alcoholic extract of dried banana peel exhibited a various inhibitory effect against various microbial isolated. Higher inhibitory effects were noticed on Nendran and Poovan against Staphylococcus Aureus (13.55+ _0.04), Bacillus Subtilis (13.26+_) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa(14+_ 000). Conclusion: Alcoholic peel extract of dried banana could be observed as a good antibacterial agent both Gram- positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
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